Monday 9 April 2012

Nail Art - Splatter Paint

Nothing I love more than splatter painting! I got inspiration for this nail art by one of the easiest painting techniques in the book.

 How to do…

You will need:
Ball Point Pen – the thinner the hole at the tip after extracting the ink, the better
Nail Polish Remover
Q-tips and Cotton Balls for Clean up

Begin by painting your nails two coats of a base colour. I would suggest black or white, depending on your mood; in order to really make the splatter paint stand out.  Next, extract the pen’s ink and top cap from the pen’s base. The base’s empty shell is what is needed. If done correctly, the shell should act as a straw. Once your base coat has dried fully, lay down a piece of paper to protect the surface you will be working on.    
Then, paint a small amount of a bright colour polish into the pen’s tip, place about an inch over the nail and blow softly on the opening at the top. Practice a few times on the piece of paper in order to get the feel of it. It is important not to blow too hard or the paint will look unnatural and blotchy. Once dried, you can add another colour or leave be with a top coat of clear polish. The final step is the clean up, using a cotton ball and Q-tips, clean the skin around the nail with the polish remover for a spotless and professional look.

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